Sunday, January 29, 2012

Just Another Day In Paradise...

Damn, it felt good to take the weekend off from work. I'd like to make a habit out of it but there's a fat chance of that happening with all of the upcoming business events I have planned. I've found venues for my upcoming marketing seminar and fashion fundraiser. Now on to the fun part - planning and marketing! I swear I'm more nervous about signing the contracts to secure the event venues than I was when I closed on my house! Oh well, time to push those fears aside and move forward. The show must go on!

Spent the weekend hanging with the family and cuddling my little man. These are the things that I look forward to most now as a mommy. I FINALLY got around to starting Dominic's baby book, just need to add pictures and I'll be all caught up. Yay me. Unfortunately my weekend ended with me feeling a bit under the weather today. Stuffy nose, body aches and super tired - yuck! Here's to hoping I feel better tomorrow morning and I can start the week off on a positive note.

Been thinking a lot lately about how fortunate I am to have such great parents. Sure they may annoy me at times, but I'm always very grateful of how supportive they've been through the last few years. My life has changed so much but the one thing I can always count on is them. I definitely wouldn't be where I am today without them and I love them very much. Some people aren't so lucky to have two great parents. Case in point, Dominic. I'm doing my best to make his life as perfect as possible, but no matter what I do it will never take the place of having another loving parent. For the most part I don't think about it too much,  but I've been wondering a lot lately how this will affect him once he gets older and starts to ask questions. I'm mostly concerned because I can't begin to fathom how it feels not having two loving parents and I feel like I won't be able to relate to him. Ironically, one of the people who knows what he'll be going through and could relate to him (his father) is the same person who put him in this situation. Oh, the irony! I guess I'll cross this bridge when I come to it.  "Some things were never meant to be no matter how much we wish they were."

Monday, January 23, 2012

Just Call Me Polar Bear...

So taking a dip in the river mid-January when it's 14 degrees outside isn't as bad as one might think! I did my "polar bear plunge" this past Saturday with two of my interns and a few friends. The event wasn't as organized as I had hoped, but it was a lot of fun! Some groups even went in costumes. Team TT's Attic took the plunge to a very fitting "I'm Too Sexy".  To be honest, it really wasn't THAT bad and I would do it again in a heartbeat. I went in just about up to my shoulders. The coldness of the water didn't really hit me until after I got out, at which point it felt like knives stabbing the lower half of my body. No biggie. "Security is mostly a superstition. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."

I interviewed my second round of interns last week and started training my first group of interns today. I'm super excited about having the extra help and some fresh ideas for a few months. I really think we'll be able to make some great progress and plan some awesome events. Time to go balls to the wall!

Every time I think I can't love my little man more, he does something super cute and I fall even more in love with him. It's so funny, before he was born and as I was reading all the pregnancy and baby books I thought I had everything all figured out. I remember thinking "I will NEVER let my baby co-sleep with me" and "I do NOT want Dominic to have a pacifier", yet here I am with a 7 week old who loves his pacifier at bedtime and takes daily naps with his mama. Things changed so much once he was actually here and everything I thought I knew went completely out the window. I've come to realize that it's okay to do things my own way sometimes and not everything has to be done "by the book." Having a child has been such an amazing learning experience so far!

Friday, January 13, 2012

My Latest Epiphany...

*Sigh* It's about damn time I had a few free minutes to post. What's new here? Lets see, loving my little mini-me more everyday, getting myself psyched up to jump in a freezing ass river next week for charity, and working like a madwoman 24/7. I've become such a proud mama. I know I'm biased and everyone thinks their kid is the cutest/smartest, but Dominic seriously is! I've been reading up on different milestones for newborn babies, and he's ahead of the game by 1-2 months on some of them. He already smiles, laughs, coos, kicks his feet and reaches for things. It's amazing how much personality he has for only 6 weeks old. Oh and did I mention he's absolutely beautiful? Future president in the making!

Aside from adoring my little protege, I've been spending some time thinking about life, success, etc. I've certainly taken my fair share of risks, career and otherwise. But I've come to realize that in some ways I'm subconsciously standing in the way of my own success. I have a tendency to over analyze and over plan things, especially where it concerns business. This past year I've spent building solid foundations for my businesses and planning for the future. But now it's time to stop planning and start doing. Less looking, more leaping. I've learned that no matter how much I plan I'll never please 100% of my customers and sometimes I'm still going to fail. I'm learning to be ok with that. If some of my business ideas fail, I'll brush myself off and move to the next ones. But if I don't start at least attempting some of these ideas, I'll always have two small businesses, when I could have two huge amazing businesses. Time to go big or go home."You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

I've also noticed that in some ways I may be a little afraid of taking things to the next level and becoming more successful. Again, this is something I didn't realize until I really sat and thought about it. Once business is taken to the next level, I'll have just about anything I could want or ask for. Business and financial success. The most perfect baby in the world. Great friends and family. Only one thing missing. One thing that I rarely talk about (or think about for that matter). Romance. Love. Whatever you sappy people want to call it. So why don't I ever talk about it? For one, it's fairly non existent in my life these days. Second, I don't have time with baby and work occupying all my time. And lastly, it scares the shit out of me. Truth be told, I've been enamored with someone for quite some time and he's the only who doesn't know it. I could make a million excuses as to why I haven't pursued it, including the fact that I'm currently 2500 miles away, but it would be just that - an excuse. Perhaps it's time to put on my big girl panties and stop being such a wuss. On second thought, I think I'll start by taking more business risks and see how that goes first. And that's all I'm going to say about that!

"It's amazing the things you can accomplish when you get out of your own way."

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Love of My Life...

I've finally met the love of my life. He weighs about 9 and a half pound and sucks his thumb. I often refer to him as my "little protege" or my "little man", but his name is Dominic.  When I was going through the labor process, I expected this overwhelming surge of emotion when I met him for the first time.  That's what everyone had told me to expect. But for me, it wasn't that way at all. That's not to say it wasn't love at first site because I knew I loved him before he was even born. But more than anything I felt a huge sense of relief when he was born. Relief that he was safe and healthy. And relief that my 42 hour labor was finally over! The first week after Dominic came home I went into survival mode, just trying to figure out how to take care of him and avert any disasters. But after week two, once I got the hang of things, I really started to enjoy my time with him a lot more. Maybe I'm just an odd duck, but for me the bonding process has been more gradual and I find new things to love about him everyday. It's safe to say he's already got me wrapped around his finger. Hell, I even love his "pissed off" face. When he looks at me with those big brown eyes and sticks out that bottom lip, I'm done for.

The inevitable has happened. I've turned into my mother. Overprotective. Paranoid. Worrywart. I'm pretty sure all of those would be fitting. I took Dominic to the doctor today because I thought his belly looked disproportionately big compared to the rest of his body. Turns out he was just bloated. I have a hard time not worrying about every little thing, but I guess that's my job. I even find myself watching him while he sleeps sometimes just to make sure he's still breathing. I'm scared to imagine how I'll be acting when he's a teenager.

 So I've realized Dominic is a genius. Not that I ever doubted he would be. But in reading up on infants, he's advanced in just about every area so far. He started smiling and giggling at about 2-3 weeks old and he started following my voice around the same time. He's already started to make cooing sounds and every now and then will even put his own pacifier back in his mouth when it falls out. Pretty damn advanced for a (not even) 5 week old! Harvard law school here we come!

I've still got a million things on my plate as far as business goes, but I'm quite content with the progress I've been making. I've come up with a few more brilliant ideas that I'll be rolling out within the next few months. In a few weeks I'm doing a charity event "polar bear plunge" to raise money for cystic fibrosis and the Ronald McDonald house charities. A few friends, a few interns and myself will all be jumping in the Seneca River mid-January in order to get people to donate. Our team will be representing my two businesses, TT's Attic and The Alpha Omega Solution. Should be a fun (albeit freezing) time! This week I'll be finishing up the training for my interns and interviewing some fashion designers for the boutique. I'm going to eventually be phasing out wholesale inventory and have all my items custom designed (among other things). I'm super stoked for the changes this year has in store! But all things considered, the best part of my day is still when I get to relax and cuddle with the cutest baby in the world. It makes all the stress and hard work completely worth it! "Always kiss your children goodnight - even if they're already asleep."