I'm writing this blog post with a little man by my side! Just sayin. At the moment Dominic is fast asleep wearing yellow ducky pj's in his bouncer. I can't believe how much he's changed in only 10 days. His eyes are now dark brown (even darker than mine), and his chubby cheeks have become even chubbier. He's still cute as ever - that hasn't changed! It amazes me how much personality he has already. I know that sounds silly to say about a newborn, but some of the stuff he does cracks me up. He smiles his sleep, he raises his eyebrows and he even rolls his eyes. I can already tell he's stubborn as a mule. Go figure, the child who takes 42 hours to be born is stubborn, (sensing the sarcasm?)

Nursing is getting a little easier and we are finally starting to develop a little routine. I read him a bedtime story every night before bed. He eats every 3 hours and if he's asleep I wake him up. The last two nights he's slept most of the night except during his feedings. I'm crossing my fingers that tonight will be 3 for 3. I think I'm finally getting the hang of this! I've even managed to get back to working about 5 hours a day. At this rate I'll be back on my A game by the end of the month! One step at a time I suppose.

I'm so damn excited about Dominic's first Christmas. We went to see Santa this past Saturday for a pancake breakfast at Beaver Lake. It was mostly for my benefit, as Dominic just slept the whole time. But I got some great pictures out of the whole thing. I did all of my Christmas shopping online this year and ended up getting him clothes and just a couple toys. I bought him the cutest play gym/mat with a piano he can kick with his feet. He won't be able to use it for a couple more months, but I'm sure he will love it. Or I will love to see him use it. Either way. Next on the agenda after the holidays is making a trip out to Utah to introduce Dominic to all of our family and friends out there. I miss everyone so much and I can't wait for them to meet my new little sidekick!
"Gratitude is one of the sweet shortcuts to finding peace of mind and happiness inside. No matter what is going on outside of us, there's always something we could be grateful for."
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