It's been awhile since I got on my soapbox about something so here ya have it folks...
When I first found out I was pregnant, after the initial shock and going through the "normal" thought process I began to wonder if my dating life was forever doomed. Oh wait, even more doomed would be a more accurate statement. After all, it's hard to find someone I like and get along with, let alone someone who will be good to Dominic. Couple that with the fact that I had never been a big fan of dating people with kids and I was sure karma was going to bite me in the ass. But surprisingly, soon after the news about my bundle of joy got out, the date offers started rolling in even more than usual. For a little while, this phenomenon had me perplexed. Then it dawned on me. Here are my obvious (and inappropriate) observations about my increasing popularity;
1.) To point out the obvious, I'm pregnant. Translation, I can't get knocked up right now because there's already a bun in the oven.To men this means I'm free game to "hit it and quit it" stress free.
2) I'm knocked up so that must mean I put out. Well, duh. Thank you captain obvious. Even men who would normally realize they don't stand a chance seem to think they have a chance now. Silly boys.
3) My jugs are huge. I mean, they were huge to begin with. But now they are HUGE. I don't think I need to explain further why this is appealing to men.

Now this isn't to bash on men or pass judgment, yada yada yada. I mean, who can blame them? I have to admit that list is pretty appealing. In fact, maybe I'll find a pregnant woman of my own to date..... But the truth of the matter is, even though I am a single, unwed mama-to-be doesn't mean I'm looking for a booty call. I am going to be picky about who I date and even pickier about who I bring around Dominic. And although I'm open to dating, it certainly isn't my top priority. My top priorities right now are Dominic and running my businesses. But, if and when I find someone it will have to be someone who cares about both me and Dominic and can be a good role model. And even then, I will proceed at a snails pace with extreme caution. Because it's not just about me anymore. 'Nuff said!
"Anybody who believes the way to a man's heart is through his stomach flunked geography."