It dawned on me the other day that I'm completely losing it...My edge that is. As someone who is typically known for being sarcastic, fun and edgy I feel like I have become completely boring over the past several months. I understand some of that is to be expected with all the changes going on in my life right now. Preparing for Dominic's arrival takes up a great deal of time and it seems the rest of my time is spent on business these days. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about the changes in my life and I wouldn't change a thing if given the chance. But, I do need to find a way to not completely lose myself in the process. Hell, I even have to force myself to socialize these days which is completely unlike me. I'm hoping some of it is just pregnancy induced weirdness that will subside after Dominic makes his debut. I think my boringness has even started to effect business. All the pieces are in place for both businesses to be successful, but there's something missing. I suspect it's something simple and obvious that I'm completely overlooking because I have such a one-track mind right now. I've decided to take this week "off" from my normal routine and do something different. I'm going to step outside my comfort zone a little, force myself to socialize and re-train myself in both businesses. Here's to hoping my little experiment brings a little of the old Blair back and also sheds some light on what I'm missing.
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." - Marilyn Monroe

Speaking of excitement, I put together Dominic's swing and bouncer today. Can I get a "hell yeah" for being able to follow instructions and use a screw driver? The only thing that's missing now is an adorable little baby! Once I put them together it dawned on me that his "Snugabunny" swing and bouncer will not match his red and black pirate themed nursery. This should have been obvious long ago but for some reason I never stopped to consider it. I'm completely anal about things matching in his nursery so I'm not sure what to do. I suppose the bouncer will probably be downstairs most of the time once he arrives, but that still leaves a mismatched swing in the room. Should I change his nursery theme yet again or just let it go? I really don't want to change the nursery theme because I think the pirate theme will match his personality. Or what I'm imagining his personality to be, I should say. Hmm, decisions decisions...
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