What a week and it's only Wednesday! In the last three days alone, I have been extremely productive and my businesses have made progress by leaps and bounds. Now that I've got the ball rolling, I have no doubt that my momentum is going to keep building. I still have a long way to go in accomplishing all my goals and visions for both of my very different businesses, but each day I'm getting one step closer. I'm beyond excited to see what the next 3, 6, 12 months are going to bring. Whoever said that getting pregnant was going to slow me down or kill my ambitions obviously doesn't know me very well! If anything, I'm more motivated now than ever to be able to provide a comfortable life for me and Dominic. One where I'll be able to spend most of my time at home or doing things with him instead of being controlled by "the man" in a job that I hate. One where I'll be able to take him on vacations and enroll him in a good private school. That's the type of life we're going to have because I'm not slowing down, I'm not giving up and I will NOT settle for less than success. This mama is an unstoppable force!
"I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday."

On another note, I finally set a date for my baby shower. The big day will be Saturday, September 24th, from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM at Battle Island golf course club house. I decided I'd go with something a little different and do a brunch - how can ya beat breakfast food and lunch food? You can't! Now I just need to finalize a theme. I'd like to find something that matches Dominic's nursery theme and that will look good with sunflowers. Better get back to looking...
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