So I took a much needed weekend off from work yet somehow still ended up being crazy busy. There are never enough hours in the day - where does the time go!? Over the weekend I went and supported my uncle and grandfather at the Republican Committee pig roast and was able to (almost) finish Dominic's baby shower invitations. All in all, I'd consider it a pretty successful weekend. I was going to order the shower invitations custom made to match the skull decorations and theme, but I procrastinated so long that I wouldn't have had time to order them and send them out in time before the shower. I thought handwritten baby shower invitations bought at the store just seemed tacky and cheap, so I custom made each invitation using card stock, velum and ribbon. They didn't turn out too bad! The project was time consuming, but I only have a few finishing touches left to make and then I should be able to get them out by Monday or Tuesday. Woo hoo for checking one more item off the "to do" list!

Dominic gave me a bit of a scare yesterday. I'm well aware that I've already become a paranoid, overprotective mama but I can't help it! My baby doctor told me to start counting his kicks twice a day starting at 28 weeks. Normally I haven no problem counting the kicks as Dominic is usually very active. But yesterday he decided to take an extra long snooze for about 12 hours and made me a wee bit stressed out. I tried drinking cold liquids, hot liquids, laying on my side, eating candy to give him a bit of sugar and nothing worked. Finally I hopped on my mini stair stepper for about 15 minutes as a last ditch effort before I went to bed, and he woke right up. So there I was, finally ready for bed after stressing out all day, and he was ready to play! I laid awake in my bed for about 2-3 hours after that just feeling him kick. I'm sure if anyone had been able to hear me they would have thought I was insane - laying in my room alone at 1 AM, laughing out loud every time Dominic kicked and talking to my belly. I never thought I'd see the day when I started acting like my overprotective mother, but I think it is happening. Someone save me! (Love you Mom! )
"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body."
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