Grievance #2) I know how the world turns and it's highly unlikely you'll succeed at pulling the wool over my eyes. This goes for friends, acquaintances and potential suitors. If you're fake, phony, and always tell me what I want to hear that's a huge red flag. I don't have the time or energy to play games so don't attempt it. I'm typically not one to bash on guys because truth be told I relate to guys far better than women in many ways. However, I've heard some epic lines of bullshit recently that both annoyed me and made me laugh. Telling me I'm beautiful or amazing does not make up for acting shady and disappearing 50% of the time. If you're interested, you'll make it a priority to talk to me instead of making excuses as to why you can't. Sending me "maintenance texts" every so often to string me along gets you nowhere. I invented that game and you won't win. Bottom line - actions speak louder than words so if you're interested, shut your damn mouth and SHOW me. Don't waste your time with feeding me a line because I won't bite. Mean what you say and say what you mean. I've been around the block a few times and I've seen this behavior a time or two. Don't flatter yourself - you're not THAT good and I will catch on. And when I do, expect to be called out on your bullshit. "Believe none of what men say, and all of what they do."
Grievance #3) If you don't know how to be a good friend, take a hike. I've learned one too many times that someone can be here today and gone tomorrow. If you love me or care about me, show me. Don't assume I'll always be around. I'd much rather have a handful of close friends than 100 half-assed "friends of convenience." People can say what they want about me, and I'm well aware of my faults, but I'm the friend that will be there to help you move, be a shoulder you can cry on, invite you to Thanksgiving when your own family has turned their back on you and go with you to the doctors when you have a scare, among other things. I just expect the same in return. If that's more than you have to give, kindly remove yourself from my life. I believe true friendships can last over long distances and over many years. If I'm gone for 6 months and you can't find the time to pick up the phone even once or at least return my call, good riddance. I'm one of the busiest people I know and I ALWAYS make time for the people I care about, no matter how near or far they are. I deserve the same in return and I'm no longer settling for anything less.
Now back to your regularly scheduled programming. Thank you and have a splendid day! :)
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