Baby sleeping? Check. Jammies on? Check. Work done? Eh. Work halfway done? Ok, check. Guess that means I can take a break to make a blog post. Things are still looking up despite my child's recent transformation into a teething monster. I have two weeks left with my interns which I'm both happy and sad about. Happy because it's been a great learning experience and I've met some wonderful people with a lot of potential who I hope to keep in touch with. Sad because it's coming to an end and now it's time to reflect on all the progress that has (and hasn't) been made over the past 3 months. The fashion show was a success. I've made a ton of invaluable connections in this area over the past three months. And I've made some positive changes to the marketing firm which will free up some time and likely yield higher returns. On the downside, my signature t-shirt and perfume collections are still a work in progress. Designs are ready but finding a decent manufacturer has been a bit of a chore. Also finding a new web designer has been a task. After having two people unable to finish the project I assigned to them, I've become a wee bit frustrated. And most of all, I'm still in major need of help. Too much to do and not enough time. If only I trusted other people enough to find myself a business partner or two. Ah, well. Overall, not a bad 3 months. Making progress slowly but surely.
And yes, I joined a third business. I'm really excited about this one. No, it doesn't mean I'm giving up my other two businesses (not a chance). But I found a product and company I'm really excited about and a business opportunity I couldn't pass up and jumped on it. Not to mention, I get to work with a team of great people. I think I can really help people with this one. Somehow, with all things considered, it doesn't seem like work at all when you have a great product and great people on your side. If you're interested in finding out how you can
become more healthy and potentially put more money in your pocket,
talk to me. I won't try to sell you on anything, just educate you and let you make your own decisions :)
In other news, Relay for Life is coming up this Saturday. I was hoping for more of a chance to market the event and get more donations/team members, but it crept up so fast and with all the planning that went into the fashion show I haven't had much time. I created my team in memory of my step dad, Steve, who passed away in 2009. Not a day goes by that I don't think about him, miss him and wish that Dominic could meet him. With more events like this, maybe one day I'll make a difference. Please let me know before Saturday if you can spare a donation or would like to join my team - it would mean more to me than you can possibly imagine!
"I'd love to change the world, but I don't know what to do..."

I still can't believe I have a 4 month old baby. It amazes me on a daily basis how much personality such a small child can have. I heard Dominic laugh out loud for the first time the other day - it was the cutest thing in the whole world! We took our first trip to the zoo last week and I couldn't believe how alert he was. He was so enthralled by the animals - he especially loved watching the monkeys and fish. I can't wait to take him to the beach this summer. It's little things like this that make me happy these days. One little smile from those chubby cheeks can turn my whole day around. My kid is such a rockstar!
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