*Sigh* Fashion show is over and I can finally breathe again! The event started out a bit rocky but ended up being an overall success. The hotel completely dropped the ball, forgot to build a runway, nearly had a music crisis, gave wrong directions to visitors and were rude to me on top of it all. Suffice it to say, I will never use them again for an event. But near meltdown aside, the rest of the day went off without a hitch. I met so many wonderful people, the models were great and the CNY Chapter of AFSP was so friendly and amazing. Overall I think the event was successful, was a great tribute to Talese and will only get better next time! I plan on making the HOPE Is In The Air an annual event and I plan on getting out and networking more while I'm here. I very much look forward to working with everyone again - it's people like THIS (motivated, ambitious & caring people) that can help me change the world. It's people like THIS that I'm going to surround myself with. And it's people like THIS who keep me positive when I'm having bad days. Another big thanks to everyone who contributed in making this the first of many great events. "Be the change you want to see in the world."
In other news, I'm getting involved in yet another business venture that I'm very excited about. Not ready to disclose all the details just yet, but I'm looking forward to working with a close friend and helping people change their lives in other ways I hadn't thought of before. Good things are happening!

It's been great having two of my friends from Utah here the past few days. I'll be sad to see them go this week. Even though we haven't been able to do any of the super fun or touristy stuff, it's been nice having good friends around who have been there for me through everything. As much as being in NY has been helpful to me in many ways and I've loved spending the extra time with my dad, I really really miss Utah. I feel my time in NY coming to an end, and my journey back to Utah coming closer. I think it's just about time for me to fly... :)
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