Just when I thought life couldn't get any busier...it did! But this busy is a good busy, a busy I could get used to. So I mentioned before about a new business I recently got involved in. Well I'm lovin' it. I never would have predicted getting involved in something like this but in this case the unexpected is definitely a good thing. I'm doing something I like and feel good about and something that can help people. Better yet, it's something I can cross-promote with some of my boutique events. What more can I ask for? I figured out what's been slowing me down all along. I've been tying myself down doing things I don't really care about. I love marketing, but I HATE selling marketing to other businesses. So I'm not doing it anymore. I'm keeping my current clients and taking referrals, but no more proactively finding new customers for the marketing biz. From this point forward I'm focusing on TT's Attic and the "new biz" (If you want to know more about it, you'll have to ask me because explaining it here would just be confusing). Things are definitely looking up. I FINALLY feel like I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing. After all this time I've found the missing piece. And that makes working long hours so much more rewarding. Next stop, Orlando and Miami in July! Time to take the TT's Attic fashion show/fundraiser to a bigger and better venue. Watch out Southern Florida - here I come! Oh yeah, and I will be working that long overdue vacation in with that business trip too, damn it!
I don't mean to talk about work 24/7 but I really don't have much of a social life. But that's by choice, not due to lack of opportunities. No need for the pity party some people have tried to throw me. Pity doesn't exist in my vocabulary. And for the record, I have opportunities on a fairly regular basis to go out with friends or on dates, BUT I have an end goal in mind and I really don't want to get distracted. That and when I'm not working, I'd much rather spend time with my little man than out getting drunk or with random men who I may or may not end up liking anyway. If that sounds lame, well, it kinda is. But, I know the end result will be worth it when I can work less, travel more, spend more time with Dominic and spend more time with the friends I know I like spending time with. In the meantime, all work and no play makes Blair a force to be reckoned with! I'm movin' on up to bigger and better things so stay tuned cuz there's no slowing me down now...
What else? Dominic is getting so damn big. He'll be five months old next week - where has the time gone? He's my best little buddy and I'm so proud of him already. He's so smart and funny and has one of the best personalities I've ever seen on a child. I can't bring him anywhere without someone coming up to me and telling me how cute he is. I go out to eat and random people come to my table and tell me how cute he is. At Relay for Life a random girl came up to me and asked if she could take his picture. Talk about awkward, but flattering at the same time. I'm such a lucky mama. Call me selfish, but the older he gets, the more glad I am that I don't have to share him with anyone. At this point I don't think I could do it even if I had to. I never realized how hard it must be for parents who have to send their kids away to the other parent on the weekends. Turns out being a single mom was a total blessing in disguise (for me at least).

I've been thinking about Talese and my step dad Steve a lot lately. I miss them a lot more than usual these days. Perhaps being away from everything and everyone who reminds me of them has started to take a toll on me. That and, no matter how hard I try, I've been hard pressed to find friends or people in general who are as amazing as they were (with the exception of a very select few). It always amazes me how many people are perfectly okay with living lives of mediocrity. I don't mean that to be offensive, it' just the truth. I've learned to just consider myself fortunate to have had them in my life at all because some people are never lucky enough to have people like that in their life. If only more people would take a page from Steve and Talese's book, the world would truly be a better place. Love more, care more about others, forgive more, the whole nine yards...It's never too late to make a change and become a better person. Start today. Just sayin'.
"People can be more forgiving than you can imagine. But you have to forgive yourself. Let go of what’s bitter and move on."
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