Had a nice, albeit short, family outing today. Went to the zoo with my dad and little brother. It was a nice change of scenery, and good to walk around and get some excercise. I can't wait to bring Dominic to the zoo, I bet he'll love the animals. I keep thinking of all the fun things I'll be able to do with him and it's making me so anxious for him to get here!

While at the zoo, I was surprised and disgusted by the number of kids on leashes. They are children people, not animals. If you can't control your kid well enough to bring them to the zoo without being on a leash, you probably shouldn't have kids. Aside from looking ridiculous, I think child leashes are just cruel. What ever happened to a stoller or just watching your kid and paying attention to what they're doing once they're big enough to walk? Don't get me wrong, I'm new to this whole parenting concept and far from an expert but I can assure you, you'll never see Dominic on a leash!
"Simply having children does not make mothers."
I think baby pajamas and socks are the cutest things ever. Dominic is acquiring quite the clothing and pajama collection. I bought him some footed aninmal pj's a few weeks ago. I think the only thing cuter than the pajamas is going to be Dominic in the pajamas!
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