As of 11:55 PM last night, New York became the 6th state to legally recognize same-sex marriage. Never been more proud to call myself a New Yorker! So glad to be bringing my baby into a world that is slowly, but surely starting to recognize equality for everyone. I'm excited to see what other changes will take place in his lifetime.
"Being gay isn't a choice, being a bigot is!"

Went to an 80's party today. Took me awhile to figure out what to wear since nothing could top the Madonna cone bra costume I wore to the last 80's party I attended. Ended up rockin' a miniskirt/leggings ensemble complete with teased hair and Converse All-Stars. Realized I don't miss drinking all that much, it's funny how silly drunk people look when you're sober. Definitely don't miss the hangovers.

Getting ready for the party got me missing my best friend, Talese, who passed away last September. The last 80's party I went to was with her. I remember her getting ready in her Tom Cruise Risky Business outfit. What a great night. It's the little things I miss the most. I hate knowing that my son will never know her or have memories of her. But, I'm also greatful that I was able to learn so much from her in such a short time. I think I'll be a better mother because of the things she taught me.
Can't wait for my ultrasound on July 5th. I'm super anxious to see Dominic and hear his heartbeat and make sure he's okay. Every pain, backache, cramp, etc makes me paranoid that something's wrong. I can already tell I'm going to be an overprotective mama. I never thought I would be able to love another little person so much!
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