Monday, June 27, 2011

Life Is Short But Sweet For Certain...

Received yet another reminder today that life is often way too short. Found out this afternoon that one of my former colleagues had passed away unexpectedly. It always seems to be the people who leave the greatest impact. Although I never got the opportunity to know him outside of work, he left a lasting impression on anyone who met him. Thank you, Theron, for teaching me almost everything I know about the industry - your absence will be felt by many. My heart goes out to your family, friends and fellow colleagues.

 Now that I am on the verge of having a child of my own, things like this are a grim reminder of my own mortality. One of my biggest hopes is that I will be able to raise my child to completion and be around to see him graduate, get married and have kids of his own. I've begun to cherish every moment with him, even though he's not physically here yet - every kick, punch and somersault brings a smile to my face. Don't ever start to take life so seriously that you let it pass you by. If you're lucky enough to have a family, be sure to hold them a little tighter tonight. Tell the people you love that you love them. And don't ever take anything for granted.

"To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die."
Stephen Lilly 11/12/2009
Talese Turner 09/04/2010
Theron Nestripke 06/27/2011 


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