In my preparations for Dominic I've been spending a lot of time thinking about how fortunate he is to have such wonderful people in his life - my mom and dad, close friends and other family members - I feel great knowing he'll never have a shortage of people who love him. I've also been spending a lot of time reflecting on the people close to me who left this world a little too soon and will never get to know him. Specifically my step dad Steve who passed away after a long battle with sarcoma in November 2009 and my best friend (more like a sister) Talese who passed away unexpectedly in September 2010. It breaks my heart that he will never be able to attend a family function with "Grandpa Steve" or get a haircut from "Aunty Talese". But, I can at least feel good knowing I will always carry a piece of them with me that I can hopefully pass along to Dominic. This week I'm going to start working on two books for Dominic to help him get to know Steve and Talese, complete with pictures, stories and fun facts about them. I'm not really sure where to start because a book will never do either one of them justice, but I know I have to try to pass along as much of them as I possibly can. I suppose I'll start by compiling my favorite pictures and making a list of facts and stories that I want him to know. I think I'll create the book through Shutterfly, I've made one there before and it turned out great. Time to hit the drawing board!
"If the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them. Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever."
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