I knew as soon as I found out I was pregnant that I wanted to nurse Dominic, as opposed to formula feed. The question is, how long should I nurse for and how do I ween him on to regular formula or food when I'm done? According to the research I've done, all the nutritional benefits from nursing are derived during the first 3 months. Aside from that the only other reasons I can think of for nursing are the bonding opportunities with the baby, and the financial benefits of not having to buy formula. I definitely don't want to be one of those mamas who breastfeeds their child until they are 2 years old. In my opinion, if they are old enough to ask for it, it's too old and quite frankly a bit odd. But whatever works for someone else is their business. I'm thinking 6 months would be a reasonable time frame. Guess we'll just see how that plan works out once he gets here...
"The difference between your child's ability to thrive or just survive is you."
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