I was supposed to do karaoke tonight with some old friends but evidently there aren't any bars in this area that do karaoke on Saturday. Karaoke is one of my favorite pastimes and it's been far too long since I've been able to sing and make an ass of myself. What kind of town doesn't have a karaoke bar? This one, apparently.
Every now and then all the changes in my life over the past several months get to be a bit overwhelming. Getting pregnant with Dominic has truly been a blessing in disguise, but all the other changes are a lot to handle sometimes. Leaving my house that I bought when I was 18 to come and stay with my dad is a big one. He's been great about letting me stay here and I really truly do appreciate everything he's done for me. I just miss my house and it's hard to live with other people. I really miss my dog Trixie too. Up until I found out I was pregnant with Dominic, she was like my kid. To not be able to see her and to trust someone I don't even know to take care of her for the summer has been stressful. I need to figure out what to do with her at the end of the summer - find a way to get her here or find a more permanent home for her. Decisions, decisions. All in all, it's just hard to be away from the life I've known for the past 10 years and the people I've become accustomed to. With all the people who have come and gone in my life over the past few months, there are certainly some people I'm better off without. But there are a few select people in Utah who are really hard to be away from. Thank god (or the flying spaghetti monster) for internet and telephone. At least I can stay in touch with everyone until I'm able to make a trip back out there. I know this next chapter in my life is going to be my best one yet. I can see the many good changes coming and that's what keeps me going everyday. Dwelling on what could have been gets you nowhere fast. Time to focus on what could be and what will be. "Life is simple. You make choices and you don't look back."
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