I've been really good about my diet and avoiding certain things during my pregnancy. I cut out my coffee, energy drink and alcohol intake cold turkey as soon as I found out I was expecting and haven't looked back. Until the other day. I couldn't resist the urge to have a cup of coffee. My doctor has said that caffeine in limited quantities won't harm Dominic, so I gave in to my temptation. Quite frankly it made me feel a bit jittery. But it tasted oh so good. I suppose getting pregnant was one way to break my caffeine addiction! I think I'll hold off on having a second cup until after Dominic is born. Don't get me wrong, I miss my coffee but I kinda felt like a bad mama for drinking a cup with a baby on the way. My, how things have changed...

I'm hoping to be able to make a trip out to Utah before Dominic is born, although at this point it's looking iffy. I would love to be able to see everyone one last time before I officially become a mama. And I have a bin full of baby stuff in my storage unit that will go completely unused if I can't find a way to get it back to NY with me before his arrival. I painted a little baby box for Dominic the week I found out I was pregnant. It contains his very first ultrasound photos and my positive pregnancy test. I suppose even if I don't get my baby bin back here in time, someday after I move my stuff out of storage I'll be able to show him the box I made him when he was but a wee 8 week old fetus. If I'm able to make it out there before his arrival, great and if not, I guess it's not worth stressing about. I can only do so much in a limited amount of time.
It's been brought to my attention yet again that sometimes you have to let go of certain people and things in your past in order to move forward to what's waiting for you in the future. I've learned this many times throughout my life, but every now and then I need a reminder. I was reminded of this again today and I'm glad. I will always cherish the memories I've had with certain people but will no longer allow myself to dwell on someone or something that may never come to fruition. From now on, I'm keeping myself open to all possibilities. Because the only thing that can hold you back is yourself.
“There are things that we never want to let go of, people we never want to leave behind. But keep in mind that letting go isn’t the end of the world, it’s the beginning of a new life.”
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