Thursday, September 8, 2011

Just Another One of My Rants...

I debated internally as to whether or not I should post this, but per usual I said, "what the hell, why not?" I'm sure this post will likely piss off at least one or two people, but that's nothing new. In talking to a friend last week, I realized just how much I despise lazy people. Not that I didn't know before, but it really kinda dawned on me during the conversation that lazy people absolutely disgust me. Especially lazy pregnant women. Now before anyone gets all worked up, I understand pregnant women need to reduce stress and get rest during pregnancy (myself included). And this obviously doesn't apply to women who have a valid medical reason for being on bed rest.  However, in most situations, carrying a child doesn't give anyone the right to turn into a useless pile of crap for 9 months. There is absolutely no reason why pregnant women can't continue on with normal lives, work, run errands, socialize with friends and do most of the activities they did pre-pregnancy. I also feel the same way about pregnant women who think it's okay to just eat fried grease for 9 months because they are "pregnant not fat." You all know the type of person I'm talking about. The same pregnant girl who can't lift a finger around the house because she is "with child." Don't get me wrong, I love my chocolate cake as much as the next pregnant girl and I've never dieted in my life, but use some common sense and make good choices for your child. Turning into a heffer is NOT a prerequisite for child birth.  My point is, some people take the whole "I'm pregnant" excuse to an extreme. In my opinion, it's pregnant women like I just described that give pregnant women everywhere a bad name. Pregnancy is a wonderful, beautiful thing, yada yada yada but it shouldn't make anyone feel entitled to act like a raging lazy moron. Bottom line, if you can't get off your ass and make healthy choices and stay active during pregnancy, how the hell are you going to do it for your child once he or she is here? Something to think about...
"Human nature is above all things lazy."


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