Thursday, August 4, 2011

Crazy Pregnancy Dreams

People had warned me that dreams sometimes get crazy when you're pregnant. For the longest time I thought that was a myth or an old wives tale.... Until my dreams started turning downright crazy! I've always been one to have odd, vivid dreams to begin with. But these days my dreams have gotten even more insane and in some cases comical. The crazy dreams all started around 14 weeks when I had a dream that I gave birth to a litter of kittens! Perhaps my fear of something going wrong during labor presented itself in my subconscious in the form of baby kittens? Last week I had a dream that my dog Trixie and a dog I used to have, Gunny, both turned into dolphins and I had to free them in the ocean. Then a few days ago, I woke up in a fit of laughter because I had a dream that I had to break the news to my mom that she was "not the grandmother" of Dominic. Maury Povich anyone? How ridiculous! Going to sleep these days is always exciting because I never know what crazy things are going to pop into my dream-filled mind. “Dreams are often most profound when they seem the most crazy.” - Freud


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